
makearts — The webdesigners who made this site possible.


la parola e l'incanto - The Facebook group dedicated to Renzo Cremona's works and readings.


internetbookshop — The Italian online bookshop where you can buy Renzo Cremona's books.


club degli autori — The page that Club degli Autori has dedicated to Renzo Cremona's poems.


edizionieva - The company that published Sixteen weeks, The canon of tea and Plays. Books can be ordered online.


farapoesia - The blog where Fara Editore hosts Renzo Cremona's poems.


narrabilando - The blog that hosts some of Renzo Cremona's prose poems. - Riccardo Ciriello's official website, the artist who gave a face to some of Renzo Cremona's books. - Lena Sahlberg's official website, the Finnish artist who gave a face to Renzo Cremona's book Dei vizi e delle virtù | About vices and virtues.


hotelcastellodisinio — For all those who wish to spend an unforgettable experience surrounded by the magic of Piedmont hills.


signoredelte — Tea and enchantment. Rarities from all over the world.


insieme a tè - Acilia's blog: for all those who know tea is a unique experience of poetry in space and time.

I testi e le immagini, se non indicato diversamente, sono di esclusiva proprietà di Renzo Cremona. – © 1993-2024 renzocremona