
Il canone del tè (The canon of tea)
(Edizioni Eva, October 2007)

April 2008, Rome

2nd Prize at the 10th Edition of the International Literary Prize Mondolibro

May 2008, Prato

Special Jury Prize at the 2008 Edition of the International Literary Prize Prato: un Tessuto di Cultura

May 2008, Mestre (Venice)

Signalled work at the 1st Edition of the National Literary Prize Voci 2008 - Nicola Rizzi

September 2008, Bardineto (Savona)

Mention of honour at the 7th Edition of the National Poetry Prize Italo Carretto

September 2008, Erice (Trapani)

2nd Prize at the 14th Edition of the National Literary Prize Erice Anteka 2008

I testi e le immagini, se non indicato diversamente, sono di esclusiva proprietà di Renzo Cremona. – © 1993-2024 renzocremona