
Cronache dal centro della notte (Chronicles from the centre of the night)
(Edizioni del Leone, September 2004)

June 2005, Salerno

2nd Prize at the 22nd Edition of the International Literary Prize Città Cava de' Tirreni

September 2005, Naples

2nd Prize at the 31st Edition of the Literary Prize Città di Pompei

September 2005, Pino Torinese (Turin)

Special mention by the Jury of the National Literary Prize Pinayrano 2005

October 2005, Naples

Special Jury Prize at the 16th Edition of the International Prize of Poetry and Literature Nuove Lettere

November 2005, Turin

Finalist for the 2005 Edition of the Literary Prize Mario Pannunzio

December 2005, Florence

Mention of honour with “Lettere dal Mattatoio” at the 8th Edition of the International Literary Prize Firenze Capitale d'Europa

March 2006, Rome

1st Prize at the 8th Edition of the International Literary Prize Mondolibro

May 2006, Prato

Joint 3rd Prize at the International Literary Prize Prato: un Tessuto di Cultura

June 2006, Caserta

Mention of honour at the 1st Edition of the National Literary Prize Mario Luzi

October 2006, Rovigo

Special Jury Prize at the 4th Edition of the National Literary Prize Anna Osti

October 2006, Licata (Agrigento)

4th Prize at the International Literary Prize Phintia

I testi e le immagini, se non indicato diversamente, sono di esclusiva proprietà di Renzo Cremona. – © 1993-2024 renzocremona