Renzo Cremona's poem Aruspice (Haruspex) is awarded the 4th Jury Prize at the 5th Edition of the National Literary Prize Guido Gozzano.
Renzo Cremona's book Dei vizi e delle virtù (Of vices and virtues) is awarded the 2nd Jury Prize at the National Literary Prize Fara Editore - Pubblica con noi 2008.
Renzo Cremona's prose poem Biografia di una fórcola (Biography of a rowlock) is awarded a Special Mention by the Jury of the 3rd Edition of the National Literary Prize Città di Chioggia.
Renzo Cremona's prose poem Stravedamènti minori - la metamorfosi is awarded the 1st Jury Prize at the 16th Edition of the National Literary Prize Istrana.
Renzo Cremona's prose poems Stravedamènti minori - la metamorfosi | Ciósa are awarded the Joint 3rd Jury Prize at the 32nd Edition of the National Literary Prize Candia - Il Gioiello.
I testi e le immagini, se non indicato diversamente, sono di esclusiva proprietà di Renzo Cremona. – © 1993-2024 renzocremona